triennial review

Minatare Public Schools Wellness Triennial Review:

Our district takes pride in supporting the needs of the whole child, to ensure that all children are safe, supported, engaged, and challenged each day as they walk into our building.  

Research indicates that initiatives focused on improving aspects of students’ well-being in schools—such as addressing childhood obesity, preventing bullying, supporting students mental health, and restricting schools’ use of exclusionary discipline—have been found to be successful in improving student success, and academic excellence. We have assessed our wellness policy as part of the USDA requirements.

Results of the Wellness Policy Triennial review will be included in the August 2023 School Board Meeting.

The Wellness Policy Triennial review will be made public to parents (guardians), students, staff, and community through our Website and in our Newsletter in the August/September addition.

Diana Closson

Administrative Assistant/Technology Director/Wellness Coordinator

Minatare High School